No words can express all the things you mean to me.
All the things you've done,
The ways you push happiness at me.
The little ways of coping,
The love beyond compare.
I thought I knew what love was,
I though I knew what awaited me,
But it takes a little growing up,
To realize all the things I never knew.
You've seen me at my lowest,
And raised me to my best;
Through thick and thin, by my side,
Long or short, undivided,
And the distance, oh the distances,
Between the ones I love and me,
Still, I wouldn't change this
For a thing.
I thought I knew what sadness was,
I thought I had experienced misery,
But it takes a little bit of changing,
To realize you can run free.
As I say you, I mean many,
Because you've always been there for me.
And sure, it hasn't been easy;
The roads we've walked have been rocky;
But something says we climbed a mountain,
Something says we could do anything.
I thought I was a burden,
I thought I was a martyr,
But it takes a little bit of a late night,
To realize I've barely done life's starter.
All the things you mean to me,
All the ways you've let me know you've cared,
Family, written by love,
Any relations on lonely blood could never compare.
So, to the ones I love,
Who are both near and far,
I just want to let you know...
I thought I knew what love was,
And I thought I'd experienced misery,
But it takes a little bit of a late night,
To realize all the things I can be.