Saturday, January 8, 2022

Sims 4 Playthrough: Love and Family Part 2

 Do I just pick this back up in January or what? Is January through March the time to play Sims 4?

Anyway... it's... honestly exhausting. Taking pictures. Playing through. I'm also an eager beaver to get to the storytelling part.

So... this is the last post on my blog. Cassidy is going to have children, and when one of them becomes a young adult, I'm going to move them out and start a new save with them.

Well... this is the second to last post on my blog. My last post will be linking you to wherever I decide to store that story I want.

I don't intend to delete it, so it'll just, sit here, gathering dust.

If you want updates on life and writing, go visit the blog on my website. Currently it's, although I will eventually have it be kunabeecreations again. When I get money.

(If I get money. x_x)

So... yeah.

Thanks for reading my blog. Closing out Blogger feels like the end of an era, but at 25 I'm ready to move on. I've had a blog on blogger for 13ish years, first under Unistray208 at 'Tiger's Corner' or something and then Kunabee. It's been a while!

I'll catch you around :)