Friday, June 13, 2014


It's my privilege
To actually tell you the truth.

See they've been lying this whole time
Filling you up with guilt and doubt
Trying to control you.

I'm not privileged
Because I am white.

I don't exactly see any scholarships for being white,
But I see 'em for being Hispanic and Black and...
You know, do you?

It's my privilege
To tell you you're not privileged.

Yeah, you're a man, you're strong.
But you get the bullying too.
Pussy, short for pusillanimous.

I'm not privileged
Because I am -- does the term even matter?

It sure as hell ain't fair that they acknowledge I am real
And refuse to acknowledge you,
But that doesn't mean I have a "privilege".

It's my privilege
To tell you rights and privileges are too easily confused.

My right is to be what I am.
Yours is to be what I am, too -
In your own way.

I'm not privileged
Because I am straight.

It sure as hell ain't fair you can't marry who you love,
But it's a right, not a privilege, to do as such;
I'm not privileged, you just don't have a right.

It's my privilege
To cry cuz life sucks.

"Turn off the internet" and whites and straights are free.
Haha, bullcrap - potential friends have turned away.
Race controls everyone far too much these days.

You are not privileged
Cuz you're underweight.

You're still subjected to beauty standards without realism,
To mocking your face, your skin, your everything;
We all have that the same.

It's my privilege
To tell you life's shit.

It's a universal truth, it sucks equally.
Just cuz it's different doesn't mean anyone has it worse.
It hurts cuz it hurts, the end.

It hurts because it hurts.
No privilege involved.

The end.

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