Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Sims 4 Playthrough: Jungle Adventures Part 1

First off, I book the cheapest place (despite the Creepy Crawlies trait) for seven days.

Then, after that, I change out my clothing to something more appropriate to brave the Selvadoradian jungle.

Even though it's 10 PM and raining, the market is open, so I buy things there. I get three things and then a Selvadoradian meal, meaning all that's left for the first step of my ambition is to view the statue of Madre Cosecha.


The meal is unpleasant and I can't manage it. My refined palate quirk and low Selvadorian (this spelling is going to change a lot) culture skill make it awful.

Alright then! Moving on! I head to Belomisia Trailhead to see if I can't make my way deeper into the jungle.

I read about the poison warning (consult local sims) and preparation checklist (buy at marketplace) before using the machete that came with the vacation things to clear the path and heading deeper within the jungle.

I come across sloths and try to distract the flies with dance this is going to be terrible i have a skill of one...

I upset sloths and there are. There are fire flies. Like, literally, they have fire and they are flies.

(2:00 - 2:11)
...huh. They don't hurt me.

I head back to my camp and try to make my mood better, because yikes.

I realize there's nothing at my camp because I'm cheap and head to the museum instead.

I view some collections and make myself focused instead of uncomfortable, then write a conservation article. Then pee.

By then, it's 5:15, so I travel to the bar to see if there's people to socialize with.

I chat with a man named Santiago, asking him about the jungle. I learn about plasma bats (plasma bait box, noted!) and also get a pristine reputation. Heck yes.

I also reach level 2 of the Selvidaran skill. I chat with someone else, practicing my introduction, then dance some.

With my mood up, I buy more supplies and then it's time to brave the jungle once more. I also get an archeology table.

Chatting some more also upped me to level 3 culture skill, and so I bought another meal. I learn how to cook it, but get a negative moodlet since it wasn't 'Excellent' or higher quality.

NOW, finally, I go and brave the jungle.

I make it through to the other side, and start exploring.


As I excavate things, I acquire the archeology skill.

At the next doorway covered in vines, I lose my machete. RIP machete, you will be dearly missed. Like, seriously. I'll have to use my hands now.

I get the opportunity to take a statue. And... I leave it. My skill is too low to risk it, honestly.

I miss some mystical fire being thrown at me, thank goodness.

Thanks to my decent gardening skill, even though I have to clear away vines with my hands, I do just fine on that.

I search an abandoned campsite for gear. Thanks to my high logic skill, I avoid a scorpion but still get the gear. Yay!

At last I locate a temple. "The temple".

On the lowest level, I harvest some plants and then examine a puzzle.

I also get invited to make a donation to charity, because somehow my phone works out here, so of course I do.

Messing about in the temple and investigating puzzles and excavating things bumps my skill to level two.

I end up peeing my pants because of a trigger. RIP me. I press forward, moving on from the angry stone thing to the little pedestals.

Maybe an offering to the sun glyph will aid me?

I get lit on fire. I quickly extinguish myself in the pool of water. Okay. Time to try another glyph. Again: RIP me.

I try the tree glyph next.

Again I'm lit on fire. One more glyph to try, and then I can take care of my needs and try to figure out a different way. Hmm...

The arrowhead glyph works! The door opens and I get blessed with 'Glorious Tastes' for two days.

I descend further and am faced with more puzzles. Oof.

I examine it and have the tree glyph hole ruled out. I notice lots of sun themes. So... I try the sun glyph hole.

As I'm sure you can guess by the red glow, that was the wrong answer. Nothing more happens than decreasing my hygiene, thankfully.

Well, arrowhead worked upstairs. Maybe it'll work down here?

I pee my pants. Come on, leaves glyph hole, lead me to glory!

Love Day starts as I am "lead to glory". There are two potential mechanisms, 3 skeletons and some offerings.

I'll try the skeleton triggers first, and then move on to either tree or sun glyphs since the leaves and arrowhead have been used.

Course, examining the skeletons gives me that they're the correct trigger. HURRAY.

I have skeletons and glyphs - it's either one weapon of the skeletons or one offering with the glyphs. I try the glyphs first and offer to the leaves glyph.

...after opening the treasure chest in the room, of course.

It works! I get it on my first try! Sweet hallelujah!

There are two treasure chests in the final room, and I open both.

With the discoveries unlocked, I leave for home base and take care of all my needs.

Once my needs are filled, I start to take care of authenticating and uncovering the artifacts I've found so far. I also level up to level 10 cooking skill, suh-weet.

During the time I'm working on the artifacts, I manage to dodge a plasma bat attack. Okay, that is... pretty dang awesome.

Love Day also ends, bringing with its end a sadness moodlet. Well, Cassidy, I don't want you to date anyone yet. Deal with it.

I manage to make it to level 6 archeology skill from the artifacts, and I do some serious need-filling. Finally, it's Sunday and Spring turns into Summer.

Chatting with a local gets me to level 4 culture skill, so I ask about local myths.

I go back to the jungle. And get poisoned in my pursuit of shinies. RIP me. However, I find a secret location and advance to the next stage of my aspiration, so yay.

I find sloths again. I walk with the sloths, taking the riskier route...

And fail. RIP. Jungle bat time. I am the sad.

This time, I find a different temple. I start to explore, because of course you do! Time to unlock more secrets!

This temple has a bar in it and some different stereos. Huh, cool.

I have two potential triggers, but the first one I try is the right one. Yay!

The next gate gives me the answer for the mechanism. Also a yay. I receive the Blessing of Self-Care. By now, the poison from the plant wears off and I'm feeling AWESOME.

I learn of the correct mechanism in the next batch of mechanisms, too. And that gets me to the final treasure of the temple.

After all the loot has been looted and excavation piles excavated, I leave the jungle for the bar. Why not? xD

I socialize with a local in the bar, fulfilling my social need which is the only low need at the moment.

After socializing, I do more work on artifacts with the table near the bar.

I take a break from that to "assemble a mystical relic". First I refine a crystal, and then I use a base I got in combination with the 'zazatotl' relic. Then I add the crystal, and... voila. Mystical relic complete.

I make it to level five cultural skill, too. All that's left is two natural dangers and then I can move on to the next step of my aspiration.

I dance the Rumbasim (a Selvadoran dance) to boost my fun need, then head to camp to take a shower.

I also pay my bills, which is currently over 3000 simoleons thanks to the fact I have 50 artifacts in my inventory. I sell some doubles of artifacts, along with the counterfeits I've gotten.

I play some songs, do some digging, harvest some things, and generally hang out at base and wait for the "creepy crawlies" lot trait to come into effect so I can face the dangers of the jungle and move on with my freaking ambition.

I do some dancing of the rumbasim and get to dance level five, then update on social media.

A stray dog named Dusty comes for a visit, so... I hang out with the dog. Because puppies.

I'm sure you all know where this is going. Cassidy now has a pet dog named Dusty.

I rush down to the market to buy pet supplies for the remainder of the vacation.

Since there's only a day left, I teach Dusty how to sit, lay down, and roll over and achieve pet training skill level three in the process.

With me back at home - with a new pet - the part one of Jungle Adventures ends. Now, then. I think a new, larger house is in order... the only question is, where?

Part Two

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